The group of medical specialists continuously occupy themselves in finding out right medicine for incurable diseases like Atopic Dermatitis eczema, Chronic skin disease, Cerebral Palsy, Spastic diplegia, Dyslexia, Autism, Recurrent Abortions, Prolapsed Inter vertebral Disc PID, allergic bronchitis, Asthma, Pediatric Neurological Disease, Uncommon Genetic Disorder like Prader Willi Syndrome PWS, Angelman Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett Syndrome etc.
Doctor from different institutions, organizations etc all over the world are welcome to share their views and cases with us. We would also appreciate views of people from all walks of life, they do not necessarily have to be a doctor, or a specialist. Anyone who thinks they can help us help to build a healthier society are welcome.
We have conduct research over a long period of time at our centers by using HOMPATH software. Hompath contains more than 100000 pages of information about homeopathic science, allows statistical analysis of patient complaints, treatment and cure.
At present the entire research team is aimed to develop medicine for Uncommon Genetic Disorder like Prader Willi Syndrome PWS, Angelman Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Mentally Retarded Children with Genetic disease because of chromosome abnormalities, Down Syndrome, Syndrome X, Infective Hepatitis of different varieties like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis E, Allergy and Asthma.
We are still putting in continuous efforts to invent right medicine for many more incurable disease.
Allergy and recurrent episode of Cough, cold and fever in children, Homoeopathic medicine acts like miracle, not only cures the illness but also prevents its further episode, mainly its breaks the periodicity of acute as well as chronic diseases!