One month Yoga Teacher Training in India, to experience the intensive and spiritual teachings and practices of traditional Hatha yoga – with more emphasis on breathing, awareness, meditation and a practical philosophy to live an enlightened life in society. Also, you will be presented with a professional Yoga Teacher Certification diploma, recognized by Yoga Alliance, with which you can start teaching yoga professionally around the world.
This 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training covers all the basic techniques and skills to get started on the noble path of sharing your practical knowledge of yoga – both physical & intellectual – in a professional way. Even if you are not interested in teaching yoga, the practices and philosophy have a detoxifying effect to enrich your body, mind and intellect, and also to understand the purpose of life and know-how to live a sane and peaceful life in this crazy world.
Group size: 10-20 students
Who Can Come?
- Practicing Yoga regularly for at least one year.
- Physically fit to handle four hours a day of practice. Test yourself with 10 rounds of Sun Salutation at one go and comfortable to hold the basic asanas for at least 30 seconds.
- Mentally eager to listen to two theory classes a day and write an exam!
- Spiritually focused to wake up early for meditation and ready to handle all the emotional roller coaster this intense course might cause.
- Passionate to question and challenge your own beliefs on who am I, purpose of life, cultural attitudes and ready to raise above petty judgments of society.
- Having no chronic illness, recent surgeries, pregnant, or under medication for severe psychological disorders.
Course Outline
- Practices led by traditional teachers: Asanas, Pranayamas, Neti, Meditation, and Chanting Mantras.
- Teaching Workshops: Demonstration of Asanas and their variations. Classification and sequencing of yoga asanas as per traditional understanding based on Chakras. Adjustments of common mistakes and hands-on techniques.
- Yoga Anatomy: Therapeutic benefits of Asanas and Pranayamas, precautions, and contraindications. Anatomy and Physiology of 7 systems of body.
- Philosophy: Introduction to Yogic Lifestyle in modern times, Historical Evolution of Yoga, Paths of Yogas, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
- Teaching Practice: Testing and sharing your teaching skills with your co-teachers.
- Career: Business/Career of a yoga teacher, communication skills and safety norms.
Curriculum: International & Traditional
Techniques Training / Practice — 117 Hours
Includes asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques. These hours are a mix between (1) analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques, and (2) guided practice of the techniques.
Teaching Methodology — 26 Hours
Includes principles of demonstration, observation, assisting /correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student’s process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.
Yoga Anatomy & Ayurveda— 26 Hours
Includes both human anatomy and physiology of bodily systems, organs, etc. Anatomy of Pranic body: chakras, nadis, bandhas etc. Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc). Basic introduction to Ayurvedic three doshas, diet and lifestyle based on seasons and constitution.
Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics — 26 Hours
Includes the study of Yoga Sutras, Yoga in a Big Picture, historical evolution of yoga, four paths and various techniques for Self-Realization, yogic lifestyle in a modern society, and ethics for yoga teachers.
Practicum — 20 Hours
Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching and hearing/giving feedback.
Daily Schedule
06.00 – 06.40 am: Meditation
06.40 – 07.00 am: Neti / Kriyas
07.00 – 09.15 am: Yoga & Pranayamas
09.15 – 10.30 am: Brunch & Free time
10.30 – 12.30 pm: Yoga in Big Picture / Yoga Therapy
12.30 – 02.00 pm: Free time / Private coaching
01.30 – 02.30 pm: Fruits/Snacks
02.30 – 04.00 pm: Yoga Sutras / Ayurveda
04.30 – 07.00 pm: Yoga Anatomy Workshops / Teaching Practice
07.00– 08.00 pm: Dinner
08.00 – 09.00 pm: Video Shows or Chanting, on 3 nights a week
10.00 pm – 10.00 am: Silence / Self-Reflections
This time table is subject to change as per weather conditions.
Classes are held 6 days a week. The 7th day is for optional Day-Trips.